How To Cash An Insurance Check With Two Names On It- Comperhensive Guideline In 2024

To cash an insurance check with two names on it- You need to endorse the check by the other party after that you can endorse the check and deposit it into your account.  

After a tiring process, you have finally got an insurance check. But your struggle doesn’t end here if the insurance check contains two names. Because you can not cash an insurance check with two names all by yourself. So, how do you do it? 

Well, in this post on how to cash an insurance check with two names on it, I will discuss all your options on how to cash a two-party insurance check.  Moreover, I’ll also talk about all the related topics. So, stay with me. 

Let’s start by finding out What happens if a insurance check has two names on it?

Find Out How To cash an Insurance check with a Lineholder

What Happens if an Insurance Check has Two Names on it?

how to cash an insurance check with two names on it

If an insurance check has two names on it, it is called a two-party check. This means the money from the check is intended to be used by both of the named parties. In most cases, the bank will require both parties to be present with valid identification in order to cash or deposit the check.

However, what happens to the check will largely depend on what type of check it is. For instance,

  • In case the check is for Car insurance and written for car repairs, the insurance company may require the check to be made payable to the body shop doing the repairs. This is to ensure that the money is used for its intended purpose.
  • If the check is for medical expenses, the insurance company will make the check payable to the healthcare provider.
  • If the check is for any other purpose, the parties involved should agree on how the money will be used. This can be done in writing or verbally.

So, the Insurance type and intend will largely dictate the purpose of the check. But If two names are on a check can one person cash it.

Can I Deposit An Insurance Check With Two Names?

No, you can not deposit an insurance check with two names into your bank account until the other party endorses it. 

When insurance companies issue a two-party check. They do it in two ways. They are

  1. Your Name “Or” The Other Name: If they use or between the names then any of them can endorse and cash it. However, if the amount is large then the bank might ask for both parties to be present. 
  2. Your Name “And” The Other Name: In case the insurance company used “and” between the names then both parties need to endorse the check after that any one of them can cash it. 

So, before depositing the check please check whether the names are written using “Or” or “And”. 

Can You Cash A Check With 2 Names On It?

In case a check has 2 names then you are legally required to consult with the other person before cashing the check. Moreover, if the check was written using “AND” between the names then both persons must endorse the check to cash it.

On the other hand, if the check is written using “Or” then anyone can cash it. So,  how to cash a two-party insurance check?

How To Cash An Insurance Check With Two Names On It

In case the check is written in two-person names and not in a mortgage company or car loan companies name then To cash  it first

  • Find out whether there is “Or” or “And” between the check. 
  • If the check is written using “Or” then consult with the other person and you can cash it at any bank or credit union. Because most grocery stores and check cashing shops do not accept two-party checks.  

On the other hand, if there is and between the names then 

  • Go to the other person and consult about cashing it. 
  • When the other person lets you cash it then tell the other person to endorse the check. 
  • After that endorse the check yourself and cash it at any bank or credit union.  

However, if the check amount is high then the bank might ask for both parties to be present. Most of the time your insurance company will write your name and the lienholder’s name meaning your mortgage company or car loan company name. 

When your lien holder is added to the check you can not cash it. You need to sign the check and send it over to the lienholder. They will cash the check and distribute the fund according to the repair cost. 

Also, Check Where to cash An Insurance check

Does A Check Made Out To Two Parties Need To Be Endorsed By Both?

Yes, when there is “AND” used between the names then both parties need to endorse the check. On the other hand, if there is “Or” used between the names then any one person can endorse the check and cash it. 

However, in both situations, it is suggested to consult with the other parties before cashing the check. Otherwise, you might end up in legal trouble.  

How Do You Endorse A Check Made Out To Two Parties

Endorsing a check made out to two parties is quite similar to endorsing a regular check. Here is how to endorse a check made out to two parties 

  • Go to the endorsement area or the back of the check. 
  • Then both parties should sign the check. 

This is applicable when there is “AND” between the names. So, if there is an “Or” then one of the payees can endorse it and cash it. So, How do you deposit a two-party check without the other person?

How To Deposit A Two-Party Check Without The Other Person

You need the other person to endorse the check beforehand to deposit a two-party check without the other person. 

It is not possible to cash a two-party check without the other person. You must consult with the other person, and endorse the check only then you can deposit the two-party check. 

However, in case the other person is unreachable and you need to cash the check quickly then request the payer to write the check in your name only.  

By now, we have found out how to cash an insurance check with two names on it. So, it’s time to look at some of the related queries. 


Here are some of the frequently asked questions related to this topic. 

What If There Are Two Names On A Check But No And Or?

Normally, two-party checks must contain either “Or” or “And”. However, if there is no and or then it might be a typing or printing mistake. So, talk to the payer and fix it. Otherwise, both parties might need to endorse the check and cash it. 

How To Cash A Two-Party Check With One Signature

You can cash a two-party check with one signature only if the names are written using “Or”. If the names are written using “And’’ then one signature is not enough to cash it. 

Can 1 Person Cash a Check with 2 Names on it?

Whether or not one person can cash a check with two names on it depends on how the check is written. If the check is made payable with “OR” then one person can cash or deposit the check. On the other hand, if the check is made payable with “AND” then both must sign the check before it can be cashed or deposited. Some banks even ask for both parties to be present and sign before depositing.

What happens if I Cash a Check from an Insurance Company?

Cashing a check from an insurance company typically signifies your acceptance of the settlement offered for a claim or loss. This means you are relinquishing your right to pursue further compensation or legal action related to the claim. So, It’s important to talk to an expert and carefully review the check with any accompanying documentation before cashing it.

How do I cash a check with multiple names?

You need to endorse the check by all the parties to cash a check with multiple names. Without endorsement by all parties, no bank or credit union will cash it. Moreover, in case the check amount is large then the bank might ask all parties to be present when cashing it.  

In Summary

Cashing a two-party insurance check can be troublesome if you do not understand it. So, in case you are having trouble with a two-party insurance check then either consult with your insurance company or an expert. 

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