Endorsing Check For Minor- Deposit, Cash, and Everything Else in 2024

For Endorsing Check For Minor, write the name of the minor ad a hyphen and write minor, below that write your name along with your relationship with the minor.   

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Your kids getting checks on birthdays or other occasions is quite common. Especially when their grandma is generous. However, endorsing check for minor or chasing it can be quite difficult. As different banks have different policies regarding this. 

So, how to endorse a check for a minor, or how can you cash it? 

Find out How To Cash A Check As A Minor Without ID

Let’s find out. But first, let’s look at can your minor kid legally receive a check. 

Can You Write A Check Out To A Minor?

Yes, you can write a check out to a minor and the check-writing process is like writing a check for an adult. According to Federal Law,   

Anyone under 18 can not open a bank account or engage in any financial relationship with an institution. 

However, getting a check as a gift is not considered a financial relationship with an institution. So, you can easily write a check out to a minor. But the kid can not withdraw the money on his/her own. So, writing the check in their parent’s name might be a better option. 

Now let’s find out how to endorse a check for a minor.

Endorsing Check For Minor

Endorsing Check For Minor

Different banks and credit unions have different regulations regarding endorsing a check for a minor. So, please call your bank or credit union to check out their regulation regarding this. You can also check their website or email them. 

However, the process of endorsing check for minor is similar in most banks with one or two minor differences. Here is how to endorse a check for a minor

  • First, write your child’s name on the back of the check. 
  • Add a hyphen after the name and write Minor. 
  • Below that write your name along with your relation with the child. 
  • Lastly, give your signature to endorse the check. 

Before following the above steps please make sure your bank has similar rules. However, signing a check for a minor is a must in all cases. As your kid can not sign on the document according to law. 

By this time we have found out how to endorse a check for a minor. So, it’s time to find out how to deposit a check for a minor and how to cash a check for a minor. 

Also, find out where to cash checks on Sunday

Let’s start with How do I deposit a check made out to my child.

How To Deposit A Check For A Minor 

Depositing a check for a minor is not like depositing any other check. Because your kid can not have a bank account. So, to deposit it you must have a bank account or a custodial account to deposit a check for a minor. Because Walmart, Walgreens or most check cashing stores do not accept personal handwritten checks.

You might also require the birth certificate of your kid to prove your relationship with the children. So, call your bank and find out what is required for your situation. 

Here is how to deposit a check for a minor

  • First, complete the endorsement process of the check according to your bank’s regulations. 
  • Then in the endorsement section write ‘for deposit only’. 
  • After that go to your bank and stand in the check queue. 
  • Show the check to your bank teller. 
  • Provide your ID and other required documents. 
  • Fill in the deposit slip and deposit the check. 

If all the information is correct then within 3-5 days the check money will be deposited to your account. Moreover, you can also take advantage of the mobile check cashing feature in case your bank has it.  

So, this is how to deposit a check made out to a minor. What if you need cash? 

How To Cash A Check For A Minor

Cashing a check for a minor is similar to depositing a check for a minor. The only difference is, you don’t need to write ‘for deposit only’ on the endorsement section of the check.  

So, call your bank and find out what you need. Then go with the endorsed check and provide the documents. After checking everything your bank will cash the check.  

It’s time to look at some of the frequently asked questions. 

Can I Deposit My Child’s Check Into My Account? 

Yes, most banks allow you to deposit your child’s check into your account. However, you must endorse the check according to your bank’s regulations first. Some banks and credit unions might not allow this. So, it’s better to call your bank beforehand. 

Can I Deposit A Check That Is Not In My Name?

Yes, you can deposit a check that is not in your name. However, the check has to be endorsed in your name according to your bank’s regulations and you must have a valid ID. 

How Can A 15 Year Old Cash A Check?

Though 15-year-olds are allowed to do part-time jobs and earn money. However, in most states, a 15-year-old can not cash a check on their own. They need to endorse the check to a parent or legal guardian. Then the parent or guardian can cash the check for them. 

In Summary

Though endorsing check for minor can be confusing. But with the support of your bank, it can be quite easy. 

However, in case your kid is in his/her teenage years, then try to include him/her in the process of endorsing or cashing the check. It will help your children grow a financial sense. 

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