Can You Use White Out On A Money Order- Simply Explained In 2024

No, you can not use White Out on money orders from any major money order issuer.

Money orders are sensitive financial products. A simple mistake can make them not cashable. So, can you use white out on a money order?

Well, usually it’s a big no. However, there are some other ways to fix mistakes in your money order. That’s why in this I’ll simply explain can you use white out on a money order. If not then how to correct a mistake on a money order and answer all the related queries. So, stay with me till the end. 

Find out How To fill out a USPS Money Order

Can You Use White Out on a Money Order

Can You Use White Out On A Money Order

No, you should never use white out on a money order. Because white outs or any other form of correction fluids are considered a form of alteration in money orders. 

Money orders are one of the most secure ways to make small payments. Because there is no chance of bouncing and no one except the payee can cash it. However, the issue with money orders is simple mistakes can make them unusable, and getting a refund can take as long as 60 days. 

That’s why many think they can correct the mistakes on money orders by using whiteouts. But it’s a severe mistake to do so. Because any overriding or using white out is considered as a form of alteration. If you do it financial institutions can suspect you as a scammer or even report you to the police. 

Moreover, using white out on a money order will it non-refundable too. As no major money order issuers such as USPS, Western Union, MoneyGram,  or Amscot allow white out on money orders. So, you should never use white out to fix mistakes on money orders. But how to correct a mistake on a money order?

How To Fix Mistake On Money Order

In case you have made a mistake on a money order, the best thing to do is to get a new money order immediately. You might need to pay some extra fees depending on the money order issuer. 

Although, some places like banks and credit unions cash money orders with minor mistakes like mistakes in address or simple mistakes in names. But it’s better to not take any risk.  

How to fix mistakes on money orders will depend on the particular situation and the issuer of the money order. If you have made a mistake before the money order is being issued then most issuers will swap the money order with a new one. It might cost you some fees but it’s the best course of action. 

On the other hand, if the money order is already issued and then you find a mistake then you need to purchase a new money order and get a refund for the older money order. Depending on the issuer, you should get a refund within a week or so. 

However, different money order issuers have different policies on these. Now let’s look at some of the policies about mistakes on a money order by different issuers. 

How To Correct a Mistake On a Money Order(Western Union)

Here are the policies of Western Union money order mistake on a money order 

  • A user should not correct any information on the money order by himself. It will make the money order not refundable. 
  • Do not use any white out or correction fluid on the money order. 
  • If there is any mistake then the user cancel the money order by filling out the cancelation form and pay a $15 fee. It might take a few days to get a refund.  
  • In case the user needs the money order instantly then the user should get a new money order. 

Though these are their official policy. However, some Western Union agents allow to cross out the mistake on name and address clearly and write it freshly beside. But it’s rare and you should talk with the agent before doing so. 

How To Correct a Mistake On a MoneyGram Money Order

Here are the policies of  MoneyGram on correcting a money order 

  • MoneyGram does not allow to correct any information on the money order. It will make the money order unusable. 
  • Do not use any white out or correction fluid on the MoneyGram money order. 
  • In case there is any mistake then MoneyGram suggests you to consult with the issuing agent ASAP. Then cancel the money order by filling out the cancelation form and paying the fees.   

Although most MoneyGram agents will cash money orders with simple errors in name and address. But alteration on the amount will make the money order completely void and you won’t get a refund. 

How To Correct a Mistake On a USPS Money Order

USPS has the best policy regarding mistakes on a money order. Here are their policies on mistakes in money orders 

  • In case there is a mistake on a money order the user should go to the nearest post office and fill out a PS Form 6401. A postal clerk will immediately issue a new money order for free.
  • USPS will reissue a money order free of cost no matter how old the money order is. However, there should not be any sign of alteration. 
  • A user should never try or attempt to correct any mistakes on the money order by himself/herself. 
  • You should never use any white out or correction fluid on a USPS money order. 

So, if you happen to make silly mistakes then USPS money order is your best bet. 

By now we have found the answer to, can you use white out on a money order and how to correct a mistake on a money order. Now let’s look at some of the related queries. 


Here are some of the frequently asked queries related to this topic. 

Can You Use White Out On A Money Order Chase?

No, you can not use white out on a money order from the Chase bank. If you have made a mistake on a Chase Bank money order then consult with the bank branch it was issued from. They will either issue a new money order or get you a refund. 

Can You Mark Out On A Money Order?

No, you should never mark out a money order. If there is a mistake then consult with the issuer with the purchase slip and you will get a solution. 

How To Get Money Back From an Uncashed Money Order?

You should fill out a cancelation form and pay a fee to the money order issuer to get money back from an uncashed money order. Almost all major money order issuers charge a fee for cancelation so the fees will vary. 

How Do I Cash A Money Order Made Out To Someone Else?

You can not cash a money order made out to someone else. Because money orders are designed in a way so that only the payee can cash it. Moreover, you will require a valid ID matching the money order details to cash a money order. 

How To Change The Payee Name On A Money Order?

You can not change the payee name on a money order once it is issued. So, you need to get a new money order and cancel the previous one to get a refund. Some money order issuers also reissue a money order for a fee. 

In Summary 

In no situation, you should use a white out on a money order. It won’t only make the money order non-refundable but also make you a suspect of fraud. So, it’s better to consult with the money order issuer for mistakes. Lately, it’s suggested to fill out the money order in front of the money order issuer agent so that you can take immediate action if there is any mistake. 

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