Best Hourly To Monthly Salary Calculator In 2024

To Convert hourly to monthly pay, you need to multiply hourly wage with daily work hours and days worked in a month. 

In case you get paid based on hours then budgeting can be tough. As you don’t know how much your earn monthly. So, it’s hard to set up a budget and fulfill your financial goals. 

But worry no more. Because in this post, I will provide the best hourly to monthly salary calculator. Moreover, I’ll also teach you to build your own hourly to monthly salary calculator with Microsoft Excel and google docs. So, stay with me till the end.  

Check our Monthly Salary To Hourly Wage Calculator

Best Hourly To Monthly Salary Calculator 

Before looking at the best hourly to monthly salary calculator, first, let’s look at how to use it. 

User Guide 

Using our custom hourly to monthly salary calculator is pretty straightforward. Just enter your hourly wage, hours worked in a day, overtime pay, overtime hours, days worked, and voila! You will get your monthly salary.  

Now let’s look at the fields 

  • Hourly Wage: Here you have to enter your hourly wage. It is by default 0, so you must enter a digit. 
  • Overtime Pay: Overtime pay is mostly different than regular pay. So, if you worked overtime then enter your overtime pay. If your company pays the same amount for overtime then you don’t need to enter anything here. 
  • Hours Worked Daily: You need to enter the total hours you worked daily in this field. 
  • Total Overtime Hours: In this field enter how many hours you have worked overtime. 
  • Total Days Worked: Enter how many days you have worked in a month. 

If you enter the correct details in the field you will get your monthly salary.  

Hourly To Monthly Salary Calculator 

Now that we have got an idea about our hourly to monthly salary calculator, so, let’s look at how can you build your own hourly to monthly salary calculator with Excel or Sheets. 

Check out our Hourly to Yearly Salary Calculator

Build Your Own Hourly To Monthly Salary Calculator With Excel Or Sheets! 

Hourly To Monthly Salary Calculator in excel

Building your own hourly to monthly salary calculator with Excel or Sheets is easier than you think. Here is how to build an hourly to monthly salary calculator with Excel or Sheet

  • Enter all the fields such as Hourly Wage, Overtime Pay, Hours Worked Daily, Total Overtime Hours, and Total Days Worked in different columns. 
  • After naming all the columns name another column as monthly salary. 
  • Lastly, copy and paste this formula in the monthly salary column- =(A2*C2*E2)+(B2*D2)

Yes, it’s that easy to build an hourly to monthly salary calculator with Excel or Sheets. You can learn more with this Excel Cheat Sheet.

We have also created a salary to hourly chart.

Salary to Hourly Chart

Here’s an hourly wage to monthly salary chart based on a 40-hour workweek and 5 days of work per week:

Hourly Wage ($)Monthly Salary ($)

Please note that these monthly salary values are calculated based on a 40-hour workweek and 5 days of work per week. They do not take into account any deductions or additional factors such as taxes or benefits.

Now let’s have a look at some of the frequently asked questions.


Here are some of the FAQs

How Can I Calculate My Salary?

If you do an hourly job then you need to multiply hourly wage with daily work hours and days worked in a month. In case your yearly salary is more the $12,000 then you need to exclude tax from it. 

What Is The Annual Salary Of $15 An Hour?

If you work $15 an hour with 40 hours per week of work and 22-day work per month without overtime then the monthly salary would be $2,400 and the annual salary would be $28,800.

However, the salary would be different depending on the hours and days worked per month. 

What is $25 An Hour Monthly?

If you work $25 an hour with 40 hours per week of work and 22-day work per month without overtime then the monthly salary would be $4,000 and the annual salary would be $36,000.

What is $18 Hourly To Monthly?

If you work $18 an hour with 40 hours per week of work and 22-day work per month without overtime then the monthly salary would be $2,880 and the annual salary would be $34,560.

How Much Is 45 Hourly To Monthly Salary?

If you work $45 an hour with 40 hours per week of work and 20-day work per month without overtime then the monthly salary would be $7,200

How Do You Calculate Biweekly Salary?

It depends on how you get paid. If you get paid based on hours then multiplying hours worked with total days worked in two weeks will give you the biweekly salary. In case you work on a monthly salary then divide your salary by half, that would be your biweekly salary. 

How Do You Convert Hourly Pay To Monthly?

Multiply your hourly wage by work hours per day and days worked per month, this will give you your accurate monthly salary. 

How Much Is $2000 A Month Hourly?

Considering you worked 40 hours a week, then your hourly wage would be $12.5 per hour. However, it will vary depending on how many hours you have worked per day.  

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