Can You Void A Cashier’s Check- All You Need To Know In 2024

Yes, you can void a cashier’s check. But you might need to pay extra fees to get your money back. 

In case you have purchased a cashier’s check but don’t need to use it, then you might be wondering,  can you void a cashier’s check?

Well, we are about to find out. Because in this post, I will answer can you void a cashier’s check? Moreover, I will also talk about what you need to do to void it, How can you get your money back, and all the related topics. So, stay with me. 

Let’s start by finding out, Can you void a cashier’s check if you don’t use it?

Find out Can a cashier’s check be cancelled if lost 

Can You Void A Cashier’s Check

can you void a cashier's check

Yes, it’s possible to make a cashier’s check void. However, the check must be in your possession. 

Cashier’s checks are one of the safest forms of checks for large payments. Because a payer pays the check amount to the bank or credit union beforehand. After that, a cashier’s check is issued and guaranteed by the bank. So, the payment is fully secured and fast. 

But cashier’s checks also come with some setbacks. Because if you lost it or someone scammed you then there is no way to cancel the cashier’s check. So there is a large possibility of losing your money to a fraudster. 

Moreover, there can also be situations when you have already purchased a cashier’s check for someone but don’t need to pay it. But in that situation, you can make a cashier’s check void if still have it in possession. You might need to pay an extra fee to get your money back.  

On the other hand, if the check is in possession of the recipient then there is no way you can void it. So, you need to get the check back from the recipient by other means and only then you can void it. So, How do you void a cashier’s check?

How Do You Void A Cashier’s Check

Different banks and credit unions have different regulations regarding voiding a cashier’s check. So, before writing a big VOID on the check please follow the below steps. 

  • Contact the bank you have purchased it from before the check expires. 
  • Find out how to void the check and what is the procedure for getting the check fund back. 
  • Follow the instructions of your bank and go to the bank branch. 
  • Pay the fees for voiding the check. 
  • Select your reimbursement method. 
  • Lastly, wait for the bank to release the funds. 

Remember, you must have the check in your possession and follow the bank policy on voiding it thoroughly. Otherwise, you might face trouble getting your money back. 

One alternative to voiding a cashier’s check might be returning it to the bank. But can you return a cashier’s check?

Can I Return A Cashier’s Check

Yes, you can return an unused cashier’s check to the check to the bank. In fact, it is a better solution for getting your money back than voiding the check. But the bank will probably charge you an extra fee for returning the check. 

Different banks have different regulations regarding returning an unused cashier’s check. So, be prepared to fill out some forms or go the extra mile.  However, you will get your money back for sure. So, how do you return a cashier’s check?

How to Return a Cashier’s Check 

Different banks have different regulations regarding unused cashier’s checks. However, the return process is somewhat similar. Here is how to return a cashier’s check 

  • Go to the bank branch from where you purchased it. 
  • Tell them your issue and they will instruct you.   
  • You might need to write “Not used for purpose intended” on the check endorsement area and sign the check. But the rule might be different depending on your bank. 
  • Pay fees for returning the check. 
  • Select your reimbursement method. 
  • Lastly, wait for the bank to release the funds.

The bank should return the funds within a week or two. It might take more time. But it won’t take 90 days. 

By now we have found out the answer to can you void a cashier’s check? Now let’s look at some of the related queries. 


Here are some of the frequently asked questions related to this topic. 

Can You Void A Cashier’s Check Chase?

Yes, like other banks Chase also allows you to void a cashier’s check. However, you must have the check in possession and follow Chase policies on voiding the cashier’s check. 

Can A Cashier’s Check Be Undone?

Yes, it’s possible to undo a cashier’s check only if you have the check in your possession. But if you have sent the check to the recipient then there is no way to undo the check. 

How Long Before You Can Cancel A Cashier’s Check?

It depends on whether the check is in your possession or in the possession of the recipient. In case you still have it, then you should be able to cancel the check within 2-3 weeks. On the other hand, if the recipient has it then you can not cancel it. Even if you cancel it then you need to wait for 90 days before you get the funds back. 

In Summary

Although all banks allow you to void a cashier’s check if you have it in possession. But the policies are different and small mistakes can cost you some money. So, be careful and follow the bank policy precisely before you void a cashier’s check.  

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